Contents of /tmp/h5/

Name Last Modified Size DAP4 Response Links DAP2 Response Links Dataset Viewers
Attributes.h5 2076
MLS-Aura_L2GP-HNO3_v02-21-c02_2005d053.he5 1027226
OMI-Aura_L3-OMSO2e_2006m0101_v003-2011m0615t151045.he5 6813643
SDS.h5 2168
tall.h5 7836
tattr.h5 1208
tcompound.h5 7896
tcompound2.h5 13640
tdatareg.h5 5652
tdset.h5 7072
tdset2.h5 9936
tenum.h5 1560
test1.h5 6664
test2.h5 7864
test3.h5 6664
test_ad.h5 6840
testall.h5 6952
testdods.h5 7668304
tgroup.h5 11096
thlink.h5 3332
tloop.h5.not_currently_supported 2020-12-30T19:59:28GMT 3168
tloop2.h5.not_currently_supported 2020-12-30T19:59:28GMT 3168
tmany.h5 15160
tobjref.h5 2900
tslink.h5 1168
tstr.h5 2108
tstr2.h5 11096
tstr_simple.h5 2054

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF , NASA , and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.1-31)
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